Alex Oliverio’s Sunshine Ensemble “Sun Songs & Toy Tunes”
($15-$25 | 7pm & 9pm Shows) Alex Oliverio presents a singular vision of Jazz, Folk, and Americana through the lens of the Southwest. Mixing and matching timbres and tones from genres across the American spectrum to create a unique aural experience, “Sun Song & Toy Tunes” realizes the “imaginational anthems” that early American Guitar & Banjo stylings evoke. Each song was written for solo guitar or banjo, then orchestrated with a modern ensemble in mind. That ensemble includes acoustic/electric guitars, banjos, pedal steel, synthesizers, keyboards, horns, and drums.
Featuring Alex Oliverio (guitars) Bailey Zick (pedal Steel) Ryan Wheless (saxophone) Cameron Knows (drums)
“Of special interest is the way Oliverio is able to maintain a contemplative quality with music that often keeps to a gallop and expresses itself boldly.”
– Dave Sumner Bandcamp Daily