Pour Decisions: Speed Dating Event!
We know the burn out is real when it comes to dating apps. Join us for a more intentional and thoughtfully curated dating experience…
H O T D E T A I L S :
– Sexual orientation: hetero
– Age range: mid-20’s to mid-30’s
– Speed Dating Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScsq4djpqGjeisvz_47Dyk_QizYgRFVgMYmmMwzBusVxR_spg/viewform?usp=header
– March 15th: applications need to be submitted!
– March 20th: applicants will be informed if they made the cut and receive a code to purchase a ticket
– Tickets 🎟️: $20 + fees (includes a 3oz pour of wine or mocktail)